Touted as the next Ronald Reagan and possible McCain running mate, the Republican governor of Louisiana apparently has had
some interactions with Lucifer… yes, that one, Scratch, Satan, Incubus.
That guy.
I’m all for freedom of religion and all, but the larger question is who should be running our federal government. There may be no public test for office provided by the Constitution, but there certainly is a private test, and frankly, Gov. Jindal has failed mine.
On a recent interview, he also affirmed his belief that the universe was designed by a higher power and, although he majored in biology, stated that he recognized that science could not answer all questions; therefore, faith in Intelligent Design may be warranted.
The thing I do not understand, and I mean this sincerely, is how someone educated in science or philosophy, someone who can see the advances that have been made, the experiential advances that are well-known over the ages, can be so quick to abandon scientific method when the least amount of uncertainty arises. Where is the confidence that a rational explanation is simply unknown or unknowable to us at this time?
Sure, there is plenty we do not know about phenomena in our experience, but we also have a long history of finding rational scientific explanations for previously considered supernatural phenomena. So why the rush to put faith in sky wizards, magic and demons? I just don’t get it.
What other weird ideas does Jindal have? I’m confident that Mr. McCain will pass on Bobby Jindal as Vice-Presidential candidate, but my questions are still unanswered as to where these guys come from and why are they running our government.