Saturday, February 10, 2007

Blaming the hammer instead of the carpenter for a bent nail

Douglas Feith, former Under Secretary of Defense and former head of the Operation of Special Plans (aka: Ministry of Propaganda), is being raked over the coals by the Senate Armed Services Committee, chaired by Carl Levin (D-MI), for manufacturing "intelligence" to support the rationale for going to war in Iraq.

At this point most Americans are suffering Iraq fatigue and we may feel that the last thing we need is another re-hash of the ill-fated run up to the war. But in reality, these questions have never been asked until now. Why was a policy wonk, a pencil neck think-tanker like Feith, making up "facts" that linked Al-Qaeda to Saddam, thus whipping us all up into a battle frenzy?

The reason is simple: because the Bush/Cheney administration wanted him to. The OSP was formed for the express purpose of spewing out unadulterated propaganda to support the pre-conceived notion of taking out Saddam. We have a plan, now give us a reason to use it.

These are horrific allegations, but the outcome has been even worse. The bigger question is why this inquiry has taken so long to pursue, and only Bill Frist (R-TN), former Senate majority leader and Pat Roberts (R-KS), former Senate Intelligence Chair, can answer that question.

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