Tuesday, September 04, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Sen. Larry Craig is Still NOT Gay

Go get 'em, Larry.

Senator Larry Craig is reconsidering his resignation from the Senate! Good for him. While I may not be a fan of Senator Craig's policies and Senate votes, I have to add my support for him on this issue. I thought it weird how quickly his “friends” threw him under the bus over a misdemeanor charge. Seeming to breathe a sigh of relief, the Republican leadership welcomed the apparent end to this mess, and seemed happy to let Idaho's Republican governor appoint Craig's replacement, never mind the cavalier disenfranchisement of the Idahoan voters. Now, Craig is reconsidering.

Meanwhile, the Louisiana Republican Senator, David Vitter, who admitted to whoremongering which started the minute his plane first touched down in Washington several years ago, is welcomed back into the Republican party to serve out his term. Not wanting the Democratic governor of Louisiana to have a hand in picking Vitter's replacement, the GOP leadership has circled the wagons, citing the expiration of the statute of limitations on the charges. As usual, the Rude Pundit puts the finer point on the issue, and explains why Vitter needs to be destroyed and how it should be done.

Never mind the double standard, Senator Craig, you should fight this thing. Never mind your plaintive cry of “No!” when you saw the officer's badge, obviously understanding the consequences of your behavior-- you should fight this thing. Never mind your guilty plea, which can only be explained by your guilt. Never mind the “ick factor” of having to explain in court, with all your blue-haired constituents listening, how you didn't get fellated in other bathrooms around the country when men are willing to testify otherwise. You fight these charges, Senator Craig, because you know you're not gay.

Good luck with that.

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