Saturday, August 09, 2008

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, R.I.P.

I remember reading the Gulag Archipelago when I was a kid at the advice of my grandfather who I revered deeply. At the age of 14 the size and scope of the book was daunting, but the result was a stark realization that the freedoms we enjoy in this country are worth the constant vigilance of an informed citizenry. Tyranny lurks around every corner.

The world would be a much more dreary place if dissidents like Solzhenitsyn did not feel safe coming forth with their revelations. We would not have won the Cold War, or even World War II for that matter, without the complicity of former enemies who viewed our free society as something special.

What damage is being wrought by the continued disrespect we are showing for the rule of law?

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