Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Daddy Cancels the Kids' Vacation

Today, newspapers report that V.P. Cheney went to Iraq on a surprise visit to warn the Prime Minister and the Parliament that “now it's game time.” Much like the authoritarian father figure that he is, Cheney went up to the bedroom of the petulant fighting sons to tell them to “knock it off.” Seemingly, this was done only after the desperate mother, played by Congress, has threatened to walk out on this dysfunctionally violent household and take the checkbook and credit card with her.

Will Johnny Shi'a and Bobby Sunni listen to their Dad? And if Cheney's last-ditch strategy works, then it would beg the question of why he didn't go over there to knock their heads together 3300 US soldiers' lives ago.

The kids in the Iraqi Parliament have incredulously announced that they are taking a 2 month vacation starting immediately, and this certainly was part of the impetus for Cheney's visit. They still do not have a oil-sharing arrangement in Iraq and the US military is in the midst of a sweep through Baghdad and the US Congress has already passed a resolution to put a time-table on the war. Only George Bush's veto of the restrictive funding bill stood in the way of the US troops coming home within 18 months. One wonders what the f*%k the Iraqi Parliament could have been thinking.

My only thought is that the members of the Iraqi Parliament must not feel the desperation that I would think they should have. Most likely, their lives would improve if Iraq imploded. I cannot help but think that they feel the US would provide asylum for them and their families, they could live in Sarasota instead of the Green Zone, write a book, do some speeches and bemoan the plight of “their people” at the hands of the terrorists. Losing Iraq would hardly be the end of the line for the Parliamentarians. Unlike Franklin, Jefferson, Madison and Washington, the Iraqi leaders are confident that they are not going to be hanging from the highest tree if this war fails.

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