Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Links to Drink By

Let's face it, if you haven't had some bond exposure over the last 10 years your nest egg has been damaged. Doug Kass takes down Jeremy Siegel for his flawed rationale of picking only stocks, his ignorance of survivorship bias when looking at historical returns and questions the media's infatuation with the professor.

Whitney Houston's death to earn Dolly Parton a fortune. (Hint: she wrote "I Will Always Love You").

'I want it, I need it, I must have it"...adaptive hedonism in chart form. Which reminds me of one of my favorite books: A Guide to the Good Life, by William Irvine. Maybe it's time to re-read it.

I have a modest proposal: What if physicians refused to give birth control to nominal Catholics? If bishops can withhold sacraments from politicians for their opinions and actions, why can't the AMA and ACOG likewise implore physicians to hold Catholics accountable to their beliefs about contraception and abortion? It would be a boon to the baby industry. Just a thought.

Fox News is still touting Saddam as a primary cause of 9/11. If you repeat a myth enough times will it ever become the truth? And notice how Bolling invokes the old "I knew people who died on 9/11" bullshit as cover for his lack of intellectual rigor..."Can't we conclude that President Obama is treasonous?"  Yeah, right. I realize that other networks can be strident too, but I challenge anyone to find a 2:46 minute clip on any other "news show" with this much untainted stupidity.

One word to Kirsten Powers: I realize you think that you serve as the opposing voice of reason on this channel, but you are only enabling the delusion of cogency, and it is only a delusion.

Don't do it, Mr. Obama. As the media beats the drum for an Iranian war, the president keeps a cool head. Greenwald describes the unrelenting propaganda machine. You are being lied to, folks.


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